フォードッグス 2016.04 Agility
Mari wins the day!
2016.04 Mini Agility competition.
The April 2015 dog agility competition was a close run contest. Mari coming out top and producing the fastest run.

"Its a pleasure to see how skilful a handler everyone has become."
The final time positions were 1. Mari, 2. Koume, 3. Kuru, 4. Sanc and 5. Eve.
Everyone was actually a winner in their own right.

Why not try, Trieball
Why not try, Trieball?
2016.02 Trieball Fun at Fordogs.
David is always looking for something new to teach dogs.
"There is no reason why you can't teach any dog, anything it's physically capable of. So I teach my dogs everything from sports, scent work to service dog work". David started doing Trieball back in 2012. "It's fun and I don't have any sheep!" Trieball (herding ball) is a sport where dogs bring back large balls just like a herding dog would bring back sheep. It originated in Europe and is now becoming popular in the USA too.
I'm probably the first trainer to do Trieball in Japan but its such a fun sport. I hope it will become popular here too.

Lucky and Leo Farewell my friends.
I lost a two good friends in 2015, Lucky and Leo. I miss them. Every dog you meet shows you something unique, as do their people. Their faces and that of their owners filled with joy, having fun together, lives on in my heart and mind. I know I'll meet you two again one day.

フォードッグス walk with wolves
Everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it. (Confucius)
2015.04 Walking with wolves.
In April, David returned to the UK and was privileged to attend ' A walk with wolves', having become a member of the 'The UK wolf conservation trust'. "It has always been one of my dreams to meet a wolf, after all that's where it all started. Wolves are such majestic and powerful animals. I'm so happy to have had that experience and to have talked with the knowledgible and dedicated staff at the trust."

フォードッグス the last sled race in Kinugawa フォードッグス the last sled race in Kinugawa
The Kinugawa C.C. Dog sled competition.
2015.02 The last competition in Kinugawa.
The 2015 dog sled competition in Kinugawa proved to be the last at the venue. This year was the tenth and David has attended all of them. "It had been a dream of mine to do dog sledding. The first time my dog,Toby pulled me along the snow, I felt such gratitude. There is nothing like the close bond you get from working with your dog.

フォードッグス 2014 agility champion
Golden Girl.
2014.12 3rd Agility Trial
In December, FORDOGS held its final agility trial of 2014. The year ended with a great battle, everyone having a chance to win the title up to the last. In the end, Lico, aged 8, proudly took home the title of 2014 champion. It was a probably the most difficult course of the year put together to find this years agility dog. What will 2015 agility bring ? David is looking forward to seeing those dogs and handlers with smiling faces enjoying working together next year too. Good luck from Fordogs for 2015.

フォードッグス 2nd Agility Trial
Koume wins the day!
2014.11 Fordogs 2nd Agility Day.
On November 9th, Fordogs held its second agility trial of 2014. It was a great day with Fukuda Koume taking first place with a fantastic fast and clean run. Well done Koume! This means we have an exciting final to look forward to in December. Anyone can still win, If they can put in a clean run on the day. The course was tricky so hats off to Koume and Fukuda san, really nice performance.

Being positive.
2014.11 Be Fun, Train, Don't Complain.
On November 19th 2014, Fordogs dog training club held a seminar. The theme for the seminar being Positive Training and Life with companion dogs. In the seminar David talked a little about the history of dog training, why it's best to train with positive and most importantly, what positive dog training is? It's teaching dogs the behaviours we'd like from them in this human world. Doing this in a way to create want and drive to enjoy life and training. Much preferable to letting dogs learn things we don't want them to and then moaning about it.

'Kuru' Having fun in the sun - Dog Agility!
 2014.10 Dog Agility Trial.
Fordogs dog training club Agility trial in October 2014 was a great success. The course testing all the skills of the participants. Two clean runs from Kuru and Lico gave them a lead in the championship for 2014. Fordogs plan to hold another two competitions before the end of the year, the race is on. Well done, Kuru and Suganuma san, good luck in the next round. フォードッグスAgilty_trial_October_2014

Thank you サンク!
2014.2 Dog Sled Race at Kinugawa Country Club
In February, the FORDOGS team entered the yearly fun sled dog competition in Nikko city. As always everyone had a fantastic time and I was honored to be able to hitch a ride with with my good friend Sanc. Thank you Sanc and Mum.
One dog challenge 50~80m (with runner):
Sanc 9th place 21.21 seconds.
He also had a heavy weight to carry, me!
Pearl 10th place 22.08 seconds. Best Result !!
Lucky 15th place 25.56 seconds.
Fantastic first time out!
Mari 16th place 25.66 seconds.
Another fantastic debut!
Kuru 23rd place 59.62 seconds.
Brilliant result for the power toy poodle!
One dog challenge 50~80m (without runner):
Leo 15th place 58.65 seconds. Well done Leo.

One dog family 300m : Sunny 29th place 1 minute 46 seconds!

フォードッグス 100% 太陽 パワー
Sunny Powered Lessons!
2013.12 Fordogs Lessons
Now 100% Powered by Sunny!
In December, David achieved one of his dreams, to provide 100% of the electric power from the sun.
"Solar power is so exciting - clean energy there just waiting to be used. I really look forward to the sun rising everyday, it's fantastic!"

Flyball fun!
2013.12 Fordogs Flyball Fun Day.
On December 17th, Fordogs held a fun flyball challenge day. Great fun for everyone. We hope to have more fun again very soon in 2014. Thank you to everyone for making the day a success.

Toby (1998-2013)
2013.11 The King is Dead. Long Live the King.
On November 24th 2013 at 2.15pm at just over 15 years of age Toby died. Toby had such an active life and for many years worked as only he could, helping other dogs with dog to dog issues, accept and even enjoy the company of other dogs. He did this without anger or aggression and with such authority and grace, a real pleasure to watch. He earned the nickname, "Toby Sensei" from students that had seen him in action. I will never forget him, he taught me so, so much and was just the greatest, bravest dog I have met. Unless thunder clouds were in the sky!
Love you T, see you again.

The biggest & smallest, all welcome!
2013.04 Seminar at FORODGS - Dog Run Manners & Dog Play.
In April, Fordogs Dog training club held a seminar at our indoor training center. It was a bit of a squeeze to get 12 dogs and their owners in the hall but we did it. David spoke about dog play, manners and how to use dog runs to teach good behaviours and not what is commonly the case, problem behaviours. It was a well attended seminar and everyone enjoyed a relaxing lunch together - dogs, people and food, real socialisation. The second half was a demonstration in a dog run. It was a fantastic success and David would like to thank everyone for helping and taking part.

FORDOGS at 2013 Kinugawa sled competition
2013.02 "Team FORDOGS" entered 5 dogs this year! in the Kinugawa sled competition.
The weather was fantastic - glorious sunshine. And everyone performed well.

One dog challenge 50~80m (with runner):
Leo reached the podium, picking up 4th place and a certificate.
Sanc put in a fantastic performance only hindered by me finding the only deep hole on the course. Sanc coming back to save me - thank you, Sanc. Once on our way again there was no stopping us and we had a smooth run coming in 19th place.
Pearl had a perfect smooth run and came in 11th place.

One dog challenge 50~80m (without runner):
Lee produced her best performance with another fantastic run to gain 8th place!

One dog family 300m :
Sunny did a fantastic job and improved again to get his best time at 300m in 24th.

Well done everyone! A great day out - fun for the dogs and fun for their partners.

フォードッグス犬ぞりチーム on NHK
NHK reporter Urano San has a sled lesson!
2013.01 NHK come to FORDOGS to see Sled dogs at work!
NHK reporter Urano san and an NHK camera crew came to see our sled dog practice in January, she even got to ride the FORDOGS sled pulled by the FORDOGS dog training club team. The weather was fine, sunny and very cold but that didn't bother the dogs, they were fantastic. The show will be aired on the 6th and 20th of February.

Warming up for Rally-O!
2012.12 Rally Obedience Trial
Christmas Trial

Fordogs Dog Training Club held a rally obedience trial in December, judged by David. David has wanted to hold a rally obedience trial for a long time. Although it is well established in the USA it is almost unheard of in Japan. What is Rally-O? - It combines traditional obedience exercises against the clock. You may praise your dog in fact it is encouraged. No stern faces in rally! The exercises are performed on a course and each task is indicated on a card. There are usually about 20 performance stations on a rally course. It was a great day and I hope there will be more rally competitions in the near future.

Trial Medal List:

Level 1

Gold Medal - Lucky (Golden Retriever)
Silver Medal - Mari (Labrador Retriever)
Bronze Medal - Lan (Toy Poodle)

Beginner Class

Gold Medal - Pearl (Golden Retriever)
Silver Medal - Kotaro (Toy Poodle).
Bronze Medal - D-st (Great Dane)
呼び戻しの速さ or レトリーブの巧さ= Best Present?
Present Exchange Fun!

Dogs find their Xmas present!

  The fastest recall means first pick!

Merry Christmas 2012!
And A Happy New Year 2013.

2012.02 Fun and Success in sled dog race in Nikko
Fantastic! Job well done for Pearl in her first sled competition. Congratulations! Well done to everyone who took part.

 FORDOGS Team Members

100M (with support runner David!) "Pearl" (Golden Retriever) fantastically fast dog sled debut with home-made harness!
100M (no runner) "Lee" (Border Collie) Wins special prize for 12th place!
300M "Sunny" (Beagle mix) Not last place this year!! Yipee!

Yuupi back home safely!
2012.01 Dog Training Saves One Cat's Life. All Smiles, "Yuupi"is Found Safe.
The pleasure a dog and owner get from working=playing together is something that creates a true respect and relationship with another species like no other. Because for a dog, life is a game=work=play; the human end of the partnership just decides what the rules are.Today, two of our dogs Lico and Sunny worked for almost one hour each to find lost family cat "Yuupi". They did this in the street with distractions, without stopping and without food reward, because they have learnt human emotional language - they understand from our voice, our touch, our body language that we are happy and are enjoying working as a team. Of course, we have worked/played our dogs on finding toys and people in practice situations in the past but to do this for real gives me again a great respect for the skills and sense they possess which we can never understand.
Why not teach your dog to search and unleash that special power at FORDOGS.

2012.01 Happy New Year 2012!
Fun in the snow - Dog Sledding or Snow agility!
Megumi on tow!

Yes, it's that time of year again.The snow has arrived and the sled is ready to go, let's have some fun in the snow!

It's an amazing sight to see the happy faces of a dog and their owner sailing along on the snow.

Fun agility in the snow!

If your dog enjoys pulling, why not have a try at dog sledding. If you have a big dog, the sky is the limit but if you are like us and your dog is small, don't worry you can still have fun. What a partnership!

Even smaller dogs can have fun in the snow with some help from a good friend!

2011.7 FORDOGS Dog School Indoor Area Solar Power System.

In July, David designed and installed a small solar power system for FORDOGS dog training school. The system provides power for lighting and in the summer some air-conditioning. Along with other power saving efforts it has enabled FORDOGS to save 80% of the 2010 energy use. David hopes to eventually expand the system and provide all the electric power from the sun.

2011.3 East Japan Great Earthquake.
In March, there was a big earthquake in the east of Japan causing large scale destruction and loss of life. Our thoughts are with all that have suffered and are suffering.

2010.11 FORDOGS Fun Agility Trial - "Sank is golden !"

ゴールドメダルレトリバー The agility trial in November was a great success with two levels Jumpers 1 and Beginners. At jumpers level Sunny and Lico came home first and second while an excellent performance by Lucky secured him the Bronze. David designed the course to push the handlers but everyone handled it with skill. Well done. In the beginners class Sank put in an outstanding run and took the gold. Silver medal was taken by the newcomer Cru and consistent Lucky brought home the Bronze again, nice work. "Everyone's handling was impressive and I'm looking forward to the next competition. What made me most happy was seeing dog/human partnerships - working/playing/communicating and basically having fun together."

2010.07 Seminar at Fukuda Animal Hospital - "No problem for a dog."

問題行動を考える In July, David spoke at Fukuda Animal Hospital in Nikko. The subject of his presentation Problem Dog Behaviour - What are behaviour problems, why we get problems and how to think about curing them. "There was a great atmosphere and I think everyone learned something from the seminar."

2010.04 Puppy and Junior Classes at Fukuda Animal Hospital.

動物病院のパピークラス   In April, we started a new series of Puppy and Junior classes at Fukuda Animal Hospital. It's never too early to start training, after all your puppy starts training you the second it enters your home! - "A gram of prevention is worth a ton of cure!"

2010.02 Lee is a superstar !

犬ぞリ大会に出よう! We were lucky enough to have two sled dog competitions this winter. They are a great way to have some fun with your dog in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere. The challenge race gives everyone a chance to take part no matter what kind of dog they have. It's easy to start so why not enter next winter. Please talk to us and we'll give you details. This year, Lee entered for the first time and picked up second place in the Snow Queen (misc.) race!

2009.10 The new A-frame has arrived!
アジリティー練習場でAフレーム(ランプ)に挑戦 The new A-frame has arrived and "Sunny" didn't waste any time putting it through its paces. Autumn is a really great season to do agility in Japan with the warm sun and the red leaves.

2009.09 The 4th JAPDT Conference, Tokyo.
The 4th JAPDT conference was held in Tokyo in September. This time David's speech was titled "The Nature Of Dogs". The presentation examined the instincts of the dog, why we live with them and how those instincts can cause trouble to pet dog owners. He examined play including puppy class play which is so misunderstood and presented his unique ideas on how to live HERE in Japan happily with a canine partner. David would like to say a big THANK YOU to all the dogs and special people who helped to make his presentation possible.

May 2009 International Agility - My trip to the sunny UK ?

In May, David went back to the UK for 2 weeks. It was a really great trip and while David was there he managed to visit a large agility trial, a sheep dog trial, a puppy class and thanks to the kindness of Kathrin Tasker who lent him her dog, Winnie, take part and collect the fastest time in one! David would like to thank all the other people who let him borrow their dogs. "The fun and friendly atmosphere was wonderful. I like to run and enjoyed the interesting courses in such a great environment. That's what I want to achieve at fordogs people of all ages having fun with their dogs."

April 2009 Fordogs Fun Agility Competition - Winner Takamatsu Lee!

アジリティーチャンピオン! April's Fordogs Fun Agility Competition was a great success. With everyone doing really well. Even Toby ,"Mr. Dolphin" came out of retirement and put in one fast run before returning to the sofa! An excellent star performance from Murota "Juni" picked up 4th place.

Feb 2009 Dog Sled Race - "Sunny" comes last but his smile shines all the way!

犬ぞり大会 Toby now retired from active dog sled duty, it was time for the youngster to step in. Sunny is only a small dog but he is strong and enjoys a challenge. The only problem was no one told him this was a race not a Sunday stroll in the park! Oh well. He enjoyed the day and so did we. Keep smiling, Sunny!

2008.08 JAPDT 3rd Conference Azabu University, Kanagawa
On August 29th, David spoke at the JAPDT conference in Asabu University. The subject of his talk this year was Puppy Development and Training, and the DVD of his speech is available from the JAPDT homepage. David would like to thank all the people who came to see his presentation. "The most important thing in training is that unique relationship we can have with a dog only by using emotion. When we communicate clearly with dogs they understand our emotion. They begin to work with us. When I see my students working with their dogs with emotion, I smile - That's it. That is the human/animal bond !"

K9 Games 2007 in Gunma. Ex-pats meet again!
Two English , Two French! Parlez vous francais?

K9ゲーム大会でイアン・ダンバー先生と再会 In October, David went to the K9 Games in Gunma which were a great success. At the games, he bumped into another British ex-pat Dr.Ian Dunbar. Ian's book "How To Teach A New Dog Old Tricks" was one of the first books David read on pet dog training and still holds a special place on his bookshelf. In 2006, Ian helped start up the JAPDT and appeared at the first conference inTsukuba. "It doesn't matter how many times I see Ian,he's always entertaining, a gifted speaker who has done so much for pet dog training all over the world."

2007.09 JAPDT 2nd Conference Azabu University, Kanagawa.

In September, David spoke at the 2nd JAPDT conference at Azabu University, Kanagawa. "I always remember the first time I went there because I had to do a double take when I saw cows in one of the rooms! (Well, it is a university for veterinarians!) The conference went very well. I believe the formation of the JAPDT is one of the most exciting things to happen to dog training in Japan. It's an open forum for new ideas where everyone has a voice, regardless of their background, status or training philosophy. This is fresh and unique in Japan. David`s speech was very well received. "It was an ambitious project to speak about aggression in a single session, the subject is vast but the aim of the presentation was to provoke thought and creativity. There are really no simple cookbooks solutions to pet dog aggression problems."